Hi friends! Welcome to the wellness area of the Happy Egg. I occurred to me that I share almost every aspect of our life here at the Happy Egg, but have been leaving out the ways we take care of health daily. It's simple, really, but it has already made a huge impact on us! For the last few months, we have been using essential oils to strengthen ourselves and our home. We use essential oils as a form of aromatherapy, topically for pain and stress relief, internally for immunity, etc... I’ve even switched a lot of our household items with natural non-toxic ones from Young Living, like all-purpose cleaner, dish soap and face wash!
You might be wondering... Why Young Living and not the cheaper ones from Amazon? Young Living is the leader in the essential oils movement, embracing a rigorous quality control standard. These specifications help ensure that every pure essential oil and product we use in our homes meets their “Seed to Seal” standard. After all, not all essential oils are created equally. Young Living has the highest quality product without any dilution or chemical additives. This is so important because you are breathing in these oils and using them around your kids, family, and pets, DAILY. For more information, read here. I’d like to get the oils, where do I go? If you’d like to get involved with oils, the best move is to sign up as a member and purchase the starter kit! Being a member DOES NOT come with any strings attached! You also DO NOT have to sell oils or purchase monthly oils as a member. It just means that you are getting an incredible discount on the starter kit & will also continue to get a 24% discount off retail prices on every oil and Young Living products, forever! To sign up, ORDER HERE and make sure the number 15590514 in the “Enroller” and “Sponsor ID” fields and choose wholesale member. What do I do with my oils once I get them? With your starter kit comes a whole package of material on everything Young Living. There’s a whole encyclopedia about every essential oil and YL product. You’ll also be invited to private wellness groups on facebook and you can follow along with my as I learn this oil adventure as well. I’ll also send you a welcome kit with tips, tricks and should you choose to jump on the business side of sharing oils with the world, you get to work alongside me, learning ways that oils can change your life! What should I order first? I recommend starting with the premium starter kit, like I did. This gives you 11 of the most commonly used oils and a diffuser (there are two diffuser models for free with the starter kit purchase or you can upgrade to others available on the website). The starter kit retails for over $350 worth of product, but the best part is that you can get it for only $160!! From there, you can add more oils or products on to your order, but the starter kit is the perfect way to jump in.
If you have any questions or would like to speak with me about anything related to oils, please email me at thehappyeggblog@gmail.com. You can also read a statement about the safety of Young Living here.